【2014街大歡囍】─台北當代藝術館 X 赤峰街區藝術展

2014 Street Fun, Fun Street – MOCA Taipei X Chifeng Community Art Exhibition

2014 / 09 / 06 Sat.

2014 / 10 / 26 Sun.

11:30 - 16:00

About 展覽介紹

台北當代藝術館自2009年起,策劃了一系列藝術進入社區的展覽活動,希望突破美術館一向給人的封閉印象,讓大眾在生活場域中與藝術自然而然的 相遇。從【南西當紅‧中山印象】系列展覽,到每年中秋佳節前後固定舉辦的【街大歡囍】社區藝術節,當代館四年來與社區密切的互動與合作,也間接促成了赤峰街區成為台北文創新據點。 今年度【2014街大歡囍】社區藝術節,透過「藝術萌芽」、「藝術散步」及「藝術進駐」等三個相互關聯的子計畫,交織出中秋佳節前後的巷弄美景。率先啟動的「藝術萌芽」計畫,旨在強化藝術創作與居民參與的互動關係;其中有《知然堂Syko老師》帶領社區居民認識與體驗當代攝影及日光顯影的課程、《福室繪工作室》為里民設計的時空記憶繪畫表現課程,以及由竹編工藝師傅邱炳昌帶領的傳統工藝再創新課程,居民參與這一連串學習課程的成果,也將從中秋節起在社區空間中公開展出和分享。 今年的「藝術散步」計畫,邀請十位台灣插畫藝術家以及四組當代藝術創作者,將他們對赤峰街社區的細微觀察與感受,轉化為壁面彩繪、互動裝置、 接力攝影、公共藝術、乃至於情境劇場等多元表現形式。這個計畫希望引領民眾以多重視角和有機互動的方式,來認識/體驗這個社區既有的生活文化與新生的文創力量。在社區悠閒散步中,迎面隨時遇見各種藝術,正是這個子計劃的基調。 「藝術進駐」計畫,透過「徵新‧徵藝─街大歡囍‧新人ㄒㄧㄢˋ藝」徵件活動,提供有特殊點子的年輕藝術家進駐赤峰街區創作的機會。創作不限類型、媒材,但以具社區互動為優先考量,館方除了基於與社區長期合作的經驗,來協助藝術家實踐並完成計畫,也期盼能藉此機會,媒合年輕的創意美學和在地的生活環境與社區空間。 【2014街大歡囍】社區藝術節是台北當代藝術館推動「無牆美術館」概念的再一次行動,今年的展覽很高興有二十組藝術家共襄盛舉,也特別感謝光能里陳靜筠里長及社區居民們的鼎力相助,以及赤峰街區眾多店家的熱情參與,由於大家的支持和合作,共同打造了這個街區獨特的台北巷弄美學與真實樸質的生活文化! Since 2009, the Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei has produced a series of exhibitions to bring art into the neighboring community, changing the impression that museums are only for a few people, and allowing the general public to encounter art in their living environment. From the series of exhibitions, titled Vision of Tatong, every year before the Mid-Autumn Festival, MOCA, Taipei produces the Street Fun, Fun Street Community Art Festival. The vigorous interaction and collaboration between the museum and the community have also turned Chifeng Street into a focal point for cultural innovation in Taipei. Through three interrelated programs, namely the “Art buds,” “Art Walk” and “Art On-site,” the 2014 Street Fun, Fun Street Community Art Festival interweaves itself with the beauty of the alleyways and backstreets around the time of the Moon Festival. The “Art buds” program, the first of three to go into operation, aims to strengthen the connection between artistic innovation and local participation. The program includes “Por Qué Base—Mr. Syko,” a course that invites local residents to learn and experience contemporary photography and daylight developing. “Fortune House Studio” designs a course for residents on the expression of space-time memory through painting. In addition, wickerwork artist, Ping-chang Chiu, led a course on innovative use of this traditional craft. The results of local participation in these courses will also be shown in community spaces from the Moon Festival onwards. The “Art Walk” program this year, 10 Taiwanese illustrators and 4 contemporary art collectives are invited to transform their perception and impression of the Chifeng Street community into a variety of murals, interactive installations, relay photography, public art and even theatrical works. Through its multi-perspective design and organic interactive nature, this program hopes to lead people to allow them to both become familiar with and explore the cultural life of the community and the power of the emerging creative movement. While leisurely strolling in this area, people will encounter all forms of art, which is precisely the purpose of this program. The “Art On-site” program is basically a call for entry project, titled “Seeking the New, Seeking the Arts—Street Fun, Fun Street—Introducing the Next Generation.” It provides young, talented artists opportunities to show their artistic projects in Chifeng Street. The projects are not limited in types or media, but must be interactive with the community. Because of its long-term collaborative experience within the community, the museum is able to assist artists in realizing and completing their programs. We also hope that this program can act as a platform for combining the aesthetics of these young creative minds, the local environment and the space of the community. The 2014 Street Fun, Fun Street Community Art Festival is the latest initiative of MOCA, Taipei in its effort to promote the concept—“a museum without walls.” We are delighted to have had 20 artists take part in this exhibition, and would like to thank, in particular, the Guangneng Neighborhood Manager, Jing-yun Chen, and all the local residents for their valuable assistance. We would also like to thank the many shop owners of Chifeng Street for their enthusiastic participation. Thanks to your support and cooperation, in this community, we have created the unique aesthetics of lanes and alleyways in Taipei, incorporating a real, simple life culture!







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