
【2013 Street Fun‧Fun Street‧Wandering in Chifeng】 MOCA, Taipei X Chifeng Street District Art Exhibit

2013 / 09 / 01 Sun.

2013 / 11 / 03 Sun.

About 展覽介紹

2009年,台北當代藝術館在捷運中山站地下街開闢「地下實驗‧創意秀場」,首創國內美術館將實體展覽及藝術原作帶到公共空間展出之例,四年多來,當代館透過一檔又一檔的展覽和一波又一波的教育活動,常態化地將藝術的創意和美感擴散到美術館外的城市空間與鄰里社區,藝文活動因為更貼近大眾生活領域,藝術與民眾接觸的介面隨之擴大,隔閡和距離也自然縮小了。2011年中,當代館策畫的「南西當紅‧中山印象」系列展覽,其中包括「無髮‧吾添」、「招財晉寶」、「大同視界」等三大系列展覽,進一步開啟了藝術家與社區的合作關係,透過展覽與區內民眾、產業、文化、空間的互動及對話,具體驗證了美術館與鄰近社區共榮共存的可能。 In 2009, MOCA, Taipei launched the MOCA Studio Underground at MRT Zhongshan Station’s underground street. This is a pioneering space in Taiwan for an art museum to showcase exhibitions and original artworks in public domain. In four years, through many exhibitions and educational events organized by MOCA, artistic creativities and aesthetics have become a regular force in the area that connects the museum beyond its walls with the surrounding urban spaces and neighborhoods. Because of the accessibility of art events, people’s contacts with art have since expanded and multiplied, and the barrier and distance have subsequently reduced. In 2011, MOCA presented the Zhongshan Impression, which included three exhibition series of Hair Design with No Hair, Trash as Treasure, and Vision of Tatong. The series opened up further collaborations between artists and the community, and through the interactions and dialogues initiated by the exhibitions with the public, industries, cultures, and spaces in the district, the endeavors proved the possibility for an art museum to coexist and thrive with its neighboring community. 2012年中秋期間,當代館再度將藝文能量從捷運中山站區延伸到雙連站區,在光能里和赤峰街區策畫了「街大歡囍」藝術節慶活動,透過「街區聲音計畫」、「街區影像計畫」、「街區文創進駐計畫」三種方案,以及量身打造的藝術展演、鄰里活動、生活美學工作坊等多元方式,將藝術帶進社區融入民眾生活,參展藝術家和社區民眾之間的互動熱情,充分印證了「街大歡囍」這個節慶活動的名稱和內涵。 During the Mid-autumn Festival of 2012, MOCA once again extended its artistic energy to interact with the area connecting the MRT Zhongshan and Shuanglian Stations, with the Street Fun‧Fun Street art festival presented in the areas of Guangneng District and Chifeng Street. Through the three projects of the Street Sound Plan, Street Image Plan, and Street Culture and Creative Plan, performances, public participatory events, and lifestyle workshops were designed to assimilate into people’s everyday lives. The active interactions between the contributing artists and the community participants fully demonstrated the meaning and vision embodied by the festival’s theme of Street Fun‧Fun Street. 今年的【2013街大歡囍‧漫步赤峰】街區藝術展,共邀請18組藝術團隊進駐,在內容策畫上,分為現地創作的「街區藝遊」與藝術教育培訓為主的「藝術種籽」兩大主軸,在時程上,率先開展的是藝術家和在地居民、產業、商家的互動合作的藝術生產計畫,最後才是發表/分享創意成果的各類展演活動。 The 2013 Street Fun‧Fun Street‧Wandering in Chifeng includes 18 artist collectives, with its contents divided into two categories—“Street Art,” which is composed of site-specific artworks; and “Art Seed,” which is based on art education and training. The festival will open with the art production plan, which is designed to encourage interactions and collaborations between artists and local residents, industries, and businesses. Finally, a diverse array of exhibitions and events will be presented to showcase their creative outcomes. 【藝術種籽】計畫突破展覽空間屬性的迷思,於「地下實驗‧創意秀場」中,以「岩筆模」、「阿尼馬動畫」、「爆炸毛頭與油炸朱利工作室」與「舞蹈生態系創意團隊」為播種者,合力培訓鄰里社區的藝術小尖兵,讓街坊文化與年輕活力在創意秀場碰撞與發酵,展現赤峰街區獨特的生活美學。 “Art Seed” is a project that breaks from the conventional perception for exhibition space. It takes place at MOCA Studio Underground, with MBmore Studio, Anima Animation Group, Bomb Metal & Fry Jewelry, and Dancecology acting as the project’s seed sowers. Together, they work together to train the community’s little art seeds, and for street cultures and youth energy to come together and catalyze into a greater force, as they strive to express Chifeng Street district’s unique lifestyle aesthetics. 【街區藝遊】邀請藝術家們因地制宜駐區創作,針對社區人文及環境特性,透過攝影、錄像、聲音、物件、裝置、繪畫、舞蹈等表達形式,結合店家/居民訪談和口述歷史、社區環境發展願景、地方文史意象重建等概念,展現赤峰街區歷史人文特色,當下的社區文化景觀和未來想像。 “Street Art” is a project that invites artists to create site-specific works. Through photography, video, sound, object, installation, painting, dance, and other means, the artworks bring together the oral history recounted by the local business owners and residents, concepts based on future visions for the community’s development, and reconstructions of the local culture and history. The objective is to express the distinctive history of Chifeng Street, its residents and cultural landscape of today, and also to incite the imagination for the community’s future. 今年的街區藝術展,除了承蒙各位藝術家盛情加入工作行列,也要感謝光能里陳靜筠里長及各鄰鄰長的鼎力支持,以及赤峰街眾多店家居民的熱心參與,相信藝術創意與社區生活街區文化的媒合,不僅能開創一種別開生面的節慶活動模式,也能夠帶給我們更有美感和質地的日常生活! This year’s street art exhibition is made possible through the passionate contributions from all the artists, and the tremendous support of Ms. Chen Jing-yun, the district magistrate of Guangneng District, all the neighborhood clerks as well as the enthusiastic participations from the business owners and residents of Chifeng Street. We believe that as art and creativity merge with the community’s life and street culture, a different and exciting festival will take root in the area and make our everyday lives more beautiful and marvelous!







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