Founded in 2011, the Kuandu International Animation Festival (KDIAF) is hosted by the Taipei National University of the Arts, situated in the culturally vibrant Kuandu Plain. The festival connects with the longstanding cultural landscape of Tamsui and has become one of the most important international animation festivals in Taipei.
Now in its 14th year, the KDIAF is organized by the Department of Animation at Taipei National University of the Arts. The festival was founded as a platform for international animation enthusiasts to exchange ideas and showcase outstanding animated works from around the world. Throughout the festival, various events take place, such as academic seminars on animation, international competitions, masterclasses, workshops, and camps for children focused on animation. Through these diverse activities, the festival aims to foster the development of Taiwan’s animation industry and digital content culture. By soliciting submissions internationally, KDIAF has successfully promoted the festival on the global stage, becoming a key event for talented animators and directors worldwide. Since 2013, the Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei has joined the festival’s collaboration network. This exhibition meticulously showcases selected works from this year, presenting screenings and displays throughout the event. Through these presentations, the exhibition aims to promote the creative development of animation and expand the visual perspectives of both domestic and international audiences.
For this exhibition, the artist begins by linking these two artworks which are created using aerial photography, seeking to examine moments of memory that are reflected by individuals during specific moments in their lives, and he then proceeds to bring together, reorganize, and represent the realistic context in which the images are intertwined in different dimensions.