
Spectrosynthesis - Asian LGBTQ Issues and Art Now

2017 / 09 / 09 Sat.

2017 / 11 / 05 Sun.

About 展覽介紹

世界各大城市的當代藝術館致力於社會議題、人類處境、藝術觀點之探索,用當代藝術的手法轉換成視覺展示,提供民眾用感性認識的途徑,探討社會多元議題,啟發人性視野,瞭解世界。2017 年,歐洲重量級美術館如泰德現代美術館、泰德不列顛美術館及大英博物館等陸續推出多位同志藝術家、名人收藏、同志歷史與人權相關的專題展覽,用以凸顯過去異性戀單一價值的主流架勢,對同志的偏見、謬論、迫害之反省與尊重,進一步彰顯 LGBTQ 的藝術成就,表現同志的心靈世界與美學價值。 Contemporary art museums in major cities worldwide have been engaging the public in exploration of social issues, artistic viewpoints, and the human condition by visually representing these topics through contemporary artistic approaches. They offer the public a route to apply perceptual knowledge to the discussion of diverse social issues and inspire humanity's vision for a better understanding of the world. In 2017, prestigious European art museums, including the Tate Modern, the Tate Britain, and the British Museum, have launched various thematic exhibitions featuring LGBTQ artists, collections of LGBTQ individuals, and issues of LGBTQ history and rights. These exhibitions emphasized on the mainstream heterosexual society's self-examination on its prejudices, falsities, and oppression against LGBTQ people as well as its respect for LGBTQ community while honoring the artistic achievements of LGBTQ artists that have revealed their inner world and aesthetic value. 臺灣雖為亞洲國家內對於同志人權相對友善之地,亦將成為第一個通過同志婚姻合法化的亞洲國家(臺灣於 2017 年 5 月 24 日由司法院公布釋字第 748 號解釋文,宣布「民法」未保障同性婚姻自由及平等權已屬於違憲,並要求行政和立法機關於兩年內完成相關法律之修正或制定,以保障同性婚姻的權利),但社會上只見不同聲音的對立,不見用心的關懷。本次展出「光‧合作用─亞洲當代同志議題展」為呼應時代大題目,於亞洲地區首度推出關於同志(在此泛指非異性戀性別認同者─男女同性戀、雙性戀、跨性別者等的 LGBTQ) 議題的研究展覽,透過觀念先行的藝術批判性,構築社會多元議題的對話媒介,讓人與人之間多樣的思想風景,在靈活互動中建立熱忱而溫暖的關係。 Among Asian countries, Taiwan has been comparatively friendly to LGBTQ community, and will soon become the first Asian country to legalize same-sex marriage. (Taiwan's Judicial Yuan has announced its Interpretation No. 748 on May 24, 2017, declaring the Civil Code's failure to protect the freedom and rights to same-sex marriage is unconstitutional, and demanding the executive and legislative departments to finalize the revision or legislation of related laws to protect the rights to same-sex marriage.) However, the society seems split in opposition whereas genuine attentiveness to this issue is still needed. Spectrosynthesis - Asian LGBTQ Issues and Art Now responds to this historical wave of our time and is the first survey exhibition featuring LGBTQ issues in Asia. Through artistic critique that prioritizes concept, the exhibition aims to serve as an intermediate for a dialogue about diverse issues in society, allowing people upholding different ideas and principles to create enthusiastic and positive relationships through different forms of interaction. 本展覽以「光」作為展覽主題名稱,首先希望回應同志社群裡以彩虹作為符號象徵和平、愛和多元訴求的歷史,彩虹即為光的折射,本為一體,藝術的展現以及同志議題的探討如光譜一樣擁有多樣和包容性,絕非光明與黑暗兩端的二元對立;其次,「光」是地球上生物生生不息的能量來源,它平等對待萬物,滋養生命,用光的作用帶來成長、希望和美善的目的。展覽聚焦在文化、語言、地緣關係和族群背景相近的香港、臺灣、中國、新加坡等地,邀請 22 組藝術家參與,展出共51 件作品,透過身份認同、平權議題、媒體消費現象、社會現實困境、個別/群體間的評論、人性慾望以及生與死等廣泛內容,呈現出二戰後華人 LGBTQ 社群的生活故事與相關議題,集結匯聚成了當代亞洲同志的歷史與生命情境。 Employing “spectrum of light” as the theme, this exhibition addresses LGBTQ community’s rich history and its appeals for peace, love and diversity with rainbow as its symbol. On the one hand, the spectrum of colors can be seen in a rainbow, a phenomenon caused by the refraction of white light. Rainbow and light are two sides of the same coin, implying that this exhibition is not about the binary opposition between light and darkness, but as diverse and inclusive as the spectrum in terms of its artistic expression and exploration of LGBTQ issues. On the other hand, light is the everlasting source of energy for the creatures on Earth. It treats and nurtures all living organisms fairly and equally, and promises them growth, hope, and kindness. Based on their similar backgrounds in culture, language, geographical location and ethnicity, 22 artists from Taiwan, China, Hong Kong and Singapore are showcased in the exhibition with a total of 51 artworks. The exhibition represents the life stories and related issues of the post-war Chinese LGBTQ community as the artworks on view touch upon a profusion of subject matters such as identity, equality, exploitation by mass media, social predicaments, comments on individuals/groups, human desire, as well as life and death. 本展期待能以觀念上的歧異,凸顯人類社會價值的多樣性,引發更多的討論;並在性別多元議題的激撞下,為臺灣與亞洲社會帶來人權的全面提升。 It is hoped that, by underlining ideological differences, the exhibition can bring out the diversity in human social values to generate more discussions, and comprehensively improve the condition of human rights in Taiwan and other Asian societies through the dialogue about diverse gender issues.



Artists 參展藝術家

Jimmy Ong 王文清
Wang Liang-Yin 王亮尹
Jun-Jieh Wang 王俊傑
Wang Haiyang 王海洋
China Xi Ya Die 西亞蝶
Hou Chun-Ming 侯俊明
Chen Chien-Pei 陳建北
Hsi Shih-Pin 席時斌
Tao Hui 陶輝
Shiy De-Jinn 席德進
Chuang, Chih-Wei 莊志維
Wu Tsang 曾吳
Tzeng Yi-Hsin 曾怡馨
Martin Wong 黃馬鼎
Ming Wong 黃漢明
Tseng Kwong Chi 曾廣智
Samson Young 楊嘉輝
Yan Xing 鄢醒
Wen Hsin 溫馨
Ho Tam 譚浩
Su Hui-Yu 蘇匯宇
Fu-sheng Ku 顧福生


Rainbow In The Darkness 《黑暗中的彩虹》
Young Girl 《紅裙少女》
Male Youth in Yellow Shirt 《黃衣少年》
Mi Vida Loca 《我的瘋狂人生》
Court Room Shocker: Jimmy the Weasil Sings Like a Canary 《法庭手語:吉米鼬鼠像金絲雀般唱歌》
Mintaka 《參宿三》
Ferocactus Peninsulae V.Viscainensis 《半島玉》
Hotam Series-Hotam#1:A Brief History of Me 「譚浩」系列-《譚浩#1: 我的簡史》

Relative Events 相關活動




  • 台北當代藝術館一樓大廳

    2017/09/09 Sat.

    13:30 - 15:30

  • 台北當代藝術館一樓大廳

    2017/09/09 Sat.

    13:50 - 17:50

  • 《光合‧夜遊》藝術地圖串聯單位(地點詳見當代館活動頁面)

    2017/09/09 Sat.

    - 2017-11-05 Sun.


  • 台北當代藝術館一樓大廳

    2017/09/17 Sun.

    14:00 -

  • 台北當代藝術館一樓大廳

    2017/09/24 Sun.

    14:00 - 16:00

  • 台北當代藝術館一樓大廳

    2017/10/01 Sun.

    14:00 -

  • 台北當代藝術館 展間&戶外廣場

    2017/10/07 Sat.

    19:00 - 22:00

  • 台北當代藝術館一樓大廳

    2017/10/14 Sat.

    - 0000-11-30 Thu.

    13:30 - 17:30

  • 台北當代藝術館一樓大廳

    2017/10/21 Sat.

    14:00 - 16:00

  • 台北當代藝術館 展間&戶外廣場

    2017/10/21 Sat.

    16:00 - 21:00

  • 台北當代藝術館一樓大廳

    2017/10/22 Sun.

    14:00 - 16:00

  • 台北當代藝術館一樓大廳

    2017/10/19 Thu.

    14:00 -

  • 台北當代藝術館一樓大廳

    2017/11/04 Sat.

    14:00 - 17:00



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